Honestly I would have never thought that I would do something like this before but I’m so happy I found something new to inspire myself and others who want to be inspired. This is my very first blog and I’m super nervous.  I know people will judge me or even talk behind my back but I’m looking to live a positive and happy life.  I’m learning to not let any negativity bring me down.

Reason number one.  I  want to put my thoughts in writing and share it with the world in hopes that I can even help one person.  I know I’m not alone as a mom, a person on a weight loss journey, and many other things that I can list here.  The point is there is always someone out there going through the same thing as you.  You are definitely not alone.

Reason number two.  ACCOUNTABILITY.  I want to keep my self accountable for my weight loss journey and many other things in life that I am changing.  I’m looking to live a much healthier life style physically, mentally and internally.

Reason number three.  I’m using this as my own personal open journal.  So I can reflect on my past and see how to improve myself as a person and just improve my life.

Reason number four.  I know sometimes I’m looking for ways to fix things in my home or want to know what products work.  On here I will be reviewing products of what I like and use on a daily basis.  This is where my mommy aspect comes in.

Reason number five. I want to show people what I am currently using to become healthier.  I will  be describing the products in detail that I am using through it works and young living essential oils  Sponsor ID: 3902537

On an end note.  This is for myself and whoever wants to be a part of it.  So enjoy and join me on my journey of life if you want to be a part of it.